Heightened Life Plan™


Helping You Reach Your Ultimate Potential with RTT™

With Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT), giving you the tools  you need to change your life path forever.

How I Help

Sandra Milligan RTT Rapid Transformational Therapist, Hypnotherapist, Certified Hypnotist, Coach

We all have places in our life where we are blocked. Working together, we will identify those blocks through finding the root cause in RTT therapy and then re-programming beliefs for you to overcome them and leave them in your past.

“There is a point in your life where you just realize something has to change, something has to give…I’ve been there a few times in my own life and look forward to helping you with some invaluable tools & techniques in the RTT process.”


I truly love working with Rapid Transformation Therapy (RTT™) techniques and have experienced vast success working my clients both in coaching and RTT to help them achieve the lives they truly desire and dream of.

Combining subconscious work helps to assist our conscious mind do what we really want it to do and not what we do on auto pilot! Make sense??

One thing that I can share that will help you right now to is to acknowledge that how we do one thing…is how we do everything in our lives, on a subconscious level of course. So if you are stuck, you need to recognize what is holding you back (subconsciously) so you can make the conscious changes that are necessary to get you to the new goal you want to achieve.

Having a coach to help you assess, make a plan, and teach you how to navigate can sometimes be the difference in achieving and living a truly incredible life. I know this because I practice what I preach and continue to learn from my own coaches and mentors and believe that the day you stop learning is the day you stop living. I want to help you develop a mindset that inspires you to live your best life in all areas of your incredible life.

An example of this might be… You are an athlete, or a casual tennis player or maybe even just a pick up game kind of player. Every time to you step on the court (no matter what sport) and you have just dropped your kids off, finished a crazy day of work that is high stress and now your phone is ringing as you try to have some me time… does this sound familiar? Or maybe a situation that mimics this same feeling of overwhelm and chaos? Your mind suddenly feels scattered and busy and it starts racing around with an endless off switch?? Can you relate to this feeling?

This all starts with the very first actions you take in your day…I help you find the system that works for you, that makes sense for your life with some challenging take aways that will push you towards success. When you have the tools, your life is in your control.


I naturally want to help in any way I can during these troubled times, Seeing how we are experiencing stress and anxiety like never before, some of my recent clients have expressed they have even been feeling the physical effects like chest pain, shortness of breath and headaches. I have created this hypnosis download for you, please play it as often as you like, as often as you need and pass it on to anyone you think may find this useful. 


Anything you want is available to you!

Did you know…. there are technique’s to empower your mind & facilitate the change you dream of?

What has been stopping you from achieving the life you really want?

Money blocks, relationship struggles, meaningful connections in work or personal, bad habits, health issues, insecurities, phobias…name your poison!
Our conscious mind does not allow us to easily implement what is needed to make the changes necessary to re-code our mind to what is needed or to do what it truly takes to create lasting changes, break bad habits and install positive beliefs.
Imagine you could view your life as if you are watching it on television, looking at it from a different perspective, what kind of clarity this could bring to your ability to understand and decipher your issues…but our subconscious can! 
Hypnosis or Guided Visualization is a powerful tool that allows you to analyze and interpret from another part of your brain, therefore allowing for new beliefs, habits and positive changes to be installed in your mind that will empower you to achieve your goals and smash through any barriers that are standing in your own way. 

You just have to decide that you want it and then tell your brain the instructions to make it happen.

Testimonials from our clients:

Our Clients names are left anonymous for privacy

S.L.- Newmarket Canada 02/21/2021

I was very surprised at what hypnosis was like, not exactly what I thought but it helped me to identify some key things that no other therapist was able to resolve for me in regular therapy. I would highly recommend this therapist and have already sent my sister to contact her as well. She gave me some things to do for follow up that make total sense for me and what I was working on. I am relieved to have found her to be quite honest.


G.K.- Newmarket Canada 03/05/2021

Sandra Milligan is a natural and pure therapist. She is an absolute one of a kind special healer. I just had the best healing with her and RTT and I feel so much lighter and connected to myself .

L.P.- Illinois, USA 02/01/2021

If you are looking for a therapist who will love and support you in a nonjudgmental way, I highly recommend Sandra. She was amazing at helping me to feel ok with everything that came up. In my session with her I felt totally comfortable. She helped me to release from my past so I can move on with greater clarity physically and with more freedom from limiting beliefs.

N.D.- Germany 02/01/2021

I had just one therapy session with Sandra and I have to say – wow! I had one specific issue that I wanted to address out of many and this particular issue had been ruling my personal and social life for the best part of 29 years. Medical treatments helped but was not what I wanted for the rest of my life. Added to that mix was 24 years of psychotherapy. Sandra managed in ONE sitting what other therapists couldn’t in 24 years!!! Sandra very quickly and astutely recognized the core of the issue, it’s meaning and then set about under hypnosis to delete old beliefs that I had formed and was operating from. These beliefs were causing the issue to re-surface constantly. Sandra replaced those old beliefs with new empowering beliefs in such a kind, loving, caring and professional manner. I felt very safe throughout the

whole process. I can honestly say she gave me my power and freedom back. I am free from the prison that my mind itself created. The hypnosis itself is very relaxing and not at all what one would expect. I admit to being a little bit wary as I had a stereotypical image of what hypnosis meant. It is not what you think! I listened to my recording for 21 days and noticed the first change after a few days. As a bonus I noticed other positive changes which followed on from the first change. Almost like a chain reaction. I am extremely glad I did this and that I had Sandra do it. It was even easier as it was on-line from the comfort of my own home. I should also add that after the session Sandra checked up on me at regular intervals to see how I was doing and if I had any questions or concerns. I would highly recommend Sandra as an RTT therapist. If you want to change your life for the better, no matter how big or small the issue is, go for it! Book Sandra for a session.

Katie. L- Manitoba, Canada 01/19/2021

Sandra did a session for me on my eating habits. I had trouble with compulsive eating, especially chocolate. I am absolutely amazed by how indifferent I am to chocolate now. I walk by it several times every day and don’t feel compelled at all to give it a home in my mouth! I find myself actually thinking through how can I make my meal the best for my body. And if it didn’t hit the mark totally, what kind of vitamins do I need to supplement with to satisfy me? I don’t feel the need to snack on junk anymore. I knew deep down that if I had all my subconscious stuff sorted out this would be effortless and natural to me. And it finally is! Thank you so much Sandra for your awesome skills.

Leslie – Toronto, Canada 12/14/2022

My life was bad.

I didn’t like myself, I felt like a failure and was on a dark and downward spiral into a deep depression. I didn’t know how to pull myself out of my head and didn’t feel like I was good enough or deserved happiness. Never in a million years was I going to try and quit smoking as I didn’t want to introduce more failure into my life. Then I saw an advertisement that Sandra posted about using hypnosis that changed my life forever. I needed everything she offered. I’ve been a smoker for over 40 years, I’m overweight and of course with that comes with a lack of confidence and feeling of no self-worth. So, I made the desperate call to Sandra in hopes that hypnosis would change my life and you know what? It did! Today, I am so fortunate to say that I am a new and improved woman. First and foremost, I love myself and I now know I can accomplish anything I want. I am also no longer a smoker, and I am making healthier food choices and even liking exercise!

Hypnosis was new to me which is one of the reasons I decided to try it. What you don’t know about me is that I am really good at starting something but as soon as I “fall off the wagon” for a better sake of words, I would quit altogether because I felt like a failure. I’m sure that over the last 40 years, I’ve tried every diet out there and no matter what new exercise came out, I still hated all of them. Smoking, I really liked that. I couldn’t figure out how to give up something I enjoyed so much. So, since I’ve failed at every other attempt, I decided to give something new and different a try.

I quickly realized that this wasn’t going to be the quickest fix. After all, it took me years to get here. With that said, I finally chose myself, something I don’t do often. I chose the three-month program because I had three things to accomplish… love myself, quit smoking and maybe for once in my life, treat my body with the respect it deserves.

Sandra took me on a journey using hypnosis that helped me figure out why I looked at myself the way I did and why I used smoking and food as a crutch or should I say a patch to feel better. Once we were able to determine the root causes, we were able to deal with them and use hypnosis to change the old habits of my sub conscious. Every night I would listen to an audio that Sandra produced after our session. The audio would take me to a state of hypnosis and then suggest new and healthy habits or ways to feel about myself. As the days went by, I was amazed to find that my heart was a little lighter. I wasn’t carrying that load of “sadness” and I was liking myself. Things were changing and only for the better.

I’ll never forget the night of my quit smoking hypnosis, the second of three journeys. I’m sure all of you smokers know, by now I’m doubling up on smokes because, what if I never smoked again??? It was 5:50 p.m. and I was outside smoking back-to-back cigarettes. At 6:00 I was lying in my bed embarking on my second regression hypnosis. Long story short, I haven’t had a smoke since that day and with no withdrawal symptoms. How did she do this I ask myself but guess what? It was ME. I am the one who quit smoking. Sandra just helped and supported me with the second audio tape and weekly coaching. Any smoker is probably saying, no way but I am not lying. It was that easy!

And so, my journey continued to what I now know was my most stubborn problem. How does someone who enjoys food so much and hates exercise change and not feel like it’s a diet or a chore? I fought Sandra weekly during our coaching calls but she stayed strong in her beliefs and abilities and was able to make me see the light. I’m very stubborn, so I applaud her. I don’t have to diet. I just make healthier choices, one at a time and do it for me not because I have to, because I want to. I want to make better food choices and I want to spend some time on myself doing an exercise that I actually like. The bottom line is, I want to be healthier and better for me, because I love myself.

Sandra’s ability to pinpoint my issues was amazing. She supported me, guided me and kept me confident and positive through this entire process. There aren’t enough good things I could say about her.

Help My Child Program

There are so many families in need of therapy services for their children that simply cannot afford the cost & therefore go without.

At HLP™, we believe that helping children is such an important part of our work & offer subsidy for families in need.

If you have child in need of therapy, we invite you to apply.

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